_Note: We can also use this online tool instead of find and replace using text editor Since Bitmap2Component doesnt support exporting to Copper layer we need to Edit converted file with Text Editor of your choice and replace, F.SilkS (front silkscreen from step 2) to F.Cu (front copper) and save.Convert Exported Layer from Inkscape to Kicad Footprint With Format: PCBNew, Options: Negative, Board Layer: Front Silk Screen, Export to your Library.How to Import design from Inkscape to Kicad Create Footprint (Copper, Mask, Silkscreen) see "How to Import design from Inkscape to Kicad".Submit to manufacturer eg Oshpark, PCBWay.Design PCB in Inkscape (Copper, Mask, Silkscreen, Outline).Drill Hole layer / Optional (if smd part only).Board Edge Outline Cut (this will be used for cutting the pcb shape) - need DXF Format / Required.Each (1-3) Exported in 600 DPI White Background.Front Silkscreen Layer (F.Silk) / Optional.PCB Art with Kicad and Inkscape PCB Art Design Workflow What is required (for 1 layer pcb)